Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How is stretch film applied ?

The film is applied either by hand using an applicator dispenser or a machine that automatically wraps the pallet. The different method of application is usually dictated by the volume of pallets being wrapped, location of wrapping activity, weight of load or irregular load wrapping requirements.

The operator secures film to the bottom of the pallet and whilst stretching the film walks in a backward direction applying the film to the top of the pallet then back to the bottom of the pallet. The film is then cut and the tail of the film is patted down to stick to itself or the loose end tied on to the bottom of the pallet. The amount of film used adn the integrity of the load are totally dependent on the operator's fitness, strength and experience.

Width of hand rolls stretch film 400mm to 500mm, core sizes 76mm or 50mm, length to 500m , gauge range 15 um to 25um, weight 4.5kg max.

( To be continued ...)

Friday, February 20, 2009

What is stretch film ?

Stretch wrapping is a cost effective method of securing goods on pallets.

It is made from LLDPE ( Linear Low Density Polyethelyne ) Polymers, the film relies on its inherent memory to contract on the load after the film has been applied.

In the manufacturing process a tackerfier is added to ensure that the film sticks to itself after it has been appied to the load.